How to play?
Basic principle of the game The basic principle of the game is very simple: Each player plays with his own car cards against other players during the different races organized (according to the rarity, the category, the decade or the country of origin of the car). A ranking is established according to the number of points obtained by each player's team. At each race, different prizes are awarded to the players who finish in the top of the final ranking. In order to be as close as possible to reality, all the characteristics and performances are recorded in the NFT code of each car model and managed by the algorithm in order to obtain a race precision identical to reality. (maximum speed, acceleration, recovery, weight, torque, tires, braking, suspension, displacement, consumption, aerodynamics, etc.)
Each player first selects 5 cards from his garage (his team for the race) with which he wants to play the race :
1 Leader card (all the characteristics of the card are taken intoaccount, even those not written on the card's visual)
1 Acceleration card (only the acceleration characteristic is taken into account)
1 Speed card (only the speed characteristic is taken into account.)
1 Power card (only the power characteristic is taken into account.)
1 Torque card (only the torque characteristic is taken into account.) The player can then choose up to 3 "luck" cards to use during the race. These cards can either improve the characteristics of the leader card or decrease the characteristics of the car in front or behind the player in the final ranking before the "Luck" cards are used. These cards will then be permanently burned after the race and can no longer be used by the player. The purpose of the luck cards is to bring unpredictability to the race. The team with the best cars is not necessarily the one that will win the race (although it does help).
How to collect cards ?
Your main assets in Stradall are your Cars. Each card represents a unique car model and is available in 4 rarity classes: Limited (1,000), Rare (100), Legendary (10), Unique (1). Each model showcases a set of 4 main technical characteristics of the real life for each car in the front of the card and There is also a set of more than 20 secondary characteristics hidden for the algorythm. We developed a mechanism of royalties sharing linked to the rarity of the cards you choose. For each single car model we release, the owners of the higher rarities will receive a chunk of the royalties generated by the secondary market transactions on the lower rarity levels.
How to participate at Alpine A110 contest?
Real-life prizes will be awarded throughout the course of the successive sales that we will conduct. The first reward we were able to secure is the Alpine A110 Monaco Limited Edition* owned by Olivier Panis, the first and only driver winning the Monaco Grand Prix in 1996. The car received a unique covering and the lucky winner will receive the car directly from the hands of the legendary driver ! *est. value: €100,000
What is NFT and Web3
In the world of web 3.0 each individual controls his own data, through his digital portfolio. Each person decides to interact with a protocol, pseudonymously and without tracking. Digital identity is totally different since it is the users who decide to share or not their data. NFTs represent unique digital assets, they play an essential role in the representation of digital object, from a virtual object to its pseudonym used on the major part of video games. Anything that is unique and desirable should be useful in the form of NFTs to best represent its ownership. NFTs are a layer that allows applications, just like the internet allowed us to have a GPS at our fingertips. This is why web 3.0 can build a new digital world that would be much more just and collective.
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